Avengers Assemble HINDI Episodes ( Season 1 & 2)

Avengers Assemble HINDI Episodes
Avengers Assemble continues the exciting adventures of Marvel's most popular super heroes - Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow and newcomer Falcon.

Season 1

After having been disbanded, the Avengers members Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, and Black Widow reunite when the Red Skull (who is dying from the imperfections of his Super Soldier Serum) and MODOK kidnap Captain America during HYDRA's attack on Liberty Island.

After the Avengers fall victim to the body-swapping Space Phantoms, Falcon stands alone to save his team and stop a full-scaled invasion of Planet Earth.

Thor believes he must sacrifice himself to save the world from Doctor Doom when he summons the Midgard Serpent using a powerful Asgardian weapon stolen from Ulik.

The Avengers face off against Dracula and his vampire army after Dracula partially converts Black Widow into a vampire. It's a race against time to stop Black Widow from becoming a full vampiress.

The Avengers are out-gunned by the high-tech, power-mimicking Super-Adaptoid when it is created by Justin Hammer as a way to impress Red Skull enough to admit him into the Cabal.

An all-powerful super-being named Hyperion arrives to save Earth after helping the Avengers stop some meteors.

Hawkeye and Black Widow take on a covert S.H.I.E.L.D. mission to bringing in Molecule Man's son Aaron, but Nick Fury wants the mission to be kept private from Iron Man.

During a fight with a giant monster, Hulk discerns that something has caused it to run scared into Manhattan. An approaching tidal wave heralds that Attuma is trying to sink Manhattan with his army of Atlanteans.

While in Asgard's Realm Below, Doctor Doom takes command of the Destroyer armor. Thor has to convince the team to trust the one person who may be able to stop him. That person turns out to be Loki.

The Avengers team learns what it's like to walk a mile in Hulk's shoes when an unstable gamma energy virus released by Red Skull and the Blood Brothers turns them into raging monsters.

The Avengers' world is turned upside down when the shaped-shifting mischief-maker Impossible Man makes Falcon the star of his own action movie following their fight with the Wrecking Crew members Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver, and Thunderball. Impossible Man even does various things to improve the movie. Things get worse when a Chitauri scouting party arrive which has been pursuing Impossible Man.

Iron Man and Captain America disguise themselves as Grim Reaper and Crossbones  to infiltrate Red Skull's Cabal. 

When Hulk crash-lands on Earth with amnesia, Captain America, Hawkeye and Falcon reconstruct a day-in-the-life of Hulk to find out what world-ending threat could have knocked out "The Strongest One There Is".

After a brief argument with his father Odin over his obsession of Midgard, Thor briefly returns to Asgard. He returns to Earth after Heimdall reports that Midgard has disappeared from his vision.

Episode 16 - "Bring on the Bad Guys"
While meeting with Attuma, Dracula, and MODOK, Red Skull decide that the Cabal needs to be more cooperative if they are going to be defeat the Avengers team.

Episode 17 - "Savages"
When Iron Man becomes too reliant on his own tech, Captain America challenges him to go without it for one full day. 

Episode 18 - "Mojo World"
Hulk and Hawkeye suddenly find themselves stuck in a death match at the hands of the intergalactic broadcasting master Mojo and gain an unlikely ally in the robot Torgo.

Episode 19 - "The Ambassador"
The Avengers team puts their lives at risk to protect Doctor Doom  from the Cabal.

Episode 20 - "All-Father's Day"
Odin comes to Avengers Tower demanding that Thor ceases his "fun" on Midgard and returns to Asgard.

Episode 21 - "By the Numbers"
The Avengers and the Cabal have a huge confrontation that leaves the team forever changed. Iron Man also learns that "the stats" can't be trusted every time as there's no substitutes for human intuition.

Episode 22 - "Guardians and Space Knights"
When Galactus attacks Earth in order to consume it, Iron Man is able to lead him to another planet.

Episode 23 - "One Little Thing"
While Iron Man and Ant-Man are trying to stabilize Pym Particles that can shrink or grow matter, Falcon gives them terrible news that his mom Darlene is coming to visit and she has no idea he's an Avenger.

Episode 24 - "Crime and Circuses"
When the Circus of Crime  rolls in to town, Hawkeye's dark past begins to surface and puts the Avengers in danger.

Episode 25 - "Exodus"
Iron Man's confidence is shaken after he inadvertently puts Falcon in harm's way. When the Cabal pulls the trigger on its final plans, Iron Man has to put aside his personal dilemmas and become the leader he was born to be.

Episode 26 - "The Final Showdown"
With the Tesseract now in the hands of the Cosmic Skull, the world is in catastrophic peril. Iron Man realizes teaming up with the rest of the Cabal might be their only chance for a victory.

Season 2

Episode 1 - "The Arsenal"
When Red Skull comes crashing down to Earth with a fleet of alien ships chasing him, the Avengers learn there's a villain in their midst a thousand times more dangerous than the Cabal ever was by the name of Thanos.

Episode 2 - "Thanos Rising"
With the help of Arsenal, the Avengers must stop Thanos from gaining the Infinity Gems.

Episode 3 - "Valhalla Can Wait"
Thanks to the tricks of Loki, Hulk and Thor are tricked into a battle and transported to Valhalla to find out who is the strongest once and for all.

Episode 4 - "Beneath the Surface"
When Hawkeye and Black Widow stumble upon the Serpent Crown, they must work together with the Atlanteans led by Attuma's former adviser Lady Zartra to stop Attuma's battalion from destroying Atlantis and controlling the Atlantean beast Giganto.

Episode 5 - "Beneath the Surface"
When Hawkeye and Black Widow stumble upon the Serpent Crown, they must work together with the Atlanteans led by Attuma's former adviser Lady Zartra to stop Attuma's battalion from destroying Atlantis and controlling the Atlantean beast Giganto. 

Episode 6 - "Nighthawk"
When a mysterious new villain named Nighthawk uses the individualized counter measures Falcon created when he was at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Episode 7 - "The Age of Tony Stark"
When the Time Infinity Gem becomes attached to Tony Stark's arc reactor, it causes him to begin de-aging and brings dangers from other eras into present-day New York City.

Episode 8 - "Head to Head"
After stopping A.I.M. from launching a missile, Iron Man thinks that the Avengers are almost perfect. When MODOK uses the Mind Infinity Gem to take control of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers must work in each other's bodies when their minds are switched in order to defeat MODOK and claim the Mind Infinity Gem.

Episode 9 - "The Dark Avengers"
In a flipped reality where superheroes are supervillains and vise versa, Iron Man gets a strange vision after battling the Squadron Supreme.

Episode 10 - "Back to the Learning Hall"
Thor is called into returning to Asgard as a guest to Asgard's Hall of Learning for the Learning Games as Hulk and Hawkeye follow him.

Episode 11 - "Downgraded"
After the Avengers stop the Wrecking Crew from using weaponry from an abandoned A.I.M. warehouse, Falcon shows Hawkeye his upgraded weaponry for the group where an Asgard rune transports them to Vanaheim.

Episode 12 - "Widow's Run"
Black Widow and Thor work to carry out Black Widow's plan to rid the Earth of the Infinity Gems upon Black Widow having a vision of Tony Stark using the Infinity Gems to become Emperor Stark and to dispose of them before Thanos returns to Earth.

Episode 13 - "Thanos Triumphant"
With the power and might of all five Infinity Stones finally in his gauntlet, Thanos plans to wield his power over the Universe while the Avengers make a desperate attempt to stop him.

Episode 14 - "Crack in the System"
With the body of Arsenal and the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in his possession, Ultron begins his murderous campaign against humanity by taking control of technology from Hammer Industries and A.I.M. In order to free Arsenal from Ultron's control, Iron Man works on a destroyer malware in order to deactivate Ultron.

Episode 15 - "Avengers Disassembled"
After Captain America leaves the Avengers following Iron Man withholding recent information about Ultron, Roxxon is attacked by a rebuilt Super-Adaptoid who is being controlled by Ultron.


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